Bruce Kennett Studio

About Bruce Kennett
First and foremost, I am a teller of stories.
From bookplates less than two inches high, to photo murals fifty feet long, I employ words and images in varying combinations. In all of this work, I’m dedicated to the craft of creating. Whatever the project may be, I strive to infuse the outcome with excellence, and always keep in mind the point of view of the reader or visitor.
Tradition and technology meet in my studio. One day you may see me with a Rapidograph pen or bone folder in hand, the next you’ll see me at the computer screen. I use techologies from medieval to modern, choosing those that can best serve the project under development.
Over the years I’ve worked as a printer and compositor (letterpress and offset), designer, photographer, teacher, presenter, and editor at large. My deep appreciation for music took me to work at Transparent Audio and Listener magazine. My clients have ranged from the Los Angeles Children’s Museum and Folger Shakespeare Library to Boston College Law School and L.L. Bean.
Since 1980 I’ve given lectures at universities and conferences on topics pertaining to the graphic arts and history of printing. Among the institutions that have invited me: Harvard, Dartmouth College, Rochester Institute of Technology, Cooper Union, San Francisco Public Library, Boston’s Society of Printers, the Grolier Club, and TypeCon.
After twenty-seven years in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, in a beautiful converted barn built in the early 1800s, I have moved studio and residence to Hartland, Vermont. My most recent work is a biography of American artist, graphic designer, puppeteer, and humorist W. A. Dwiggins.
106 Gilson Road
Hartland VT 05048
phone (+1) 603-348-3100
© 2018 Bruce Kennett Studio